





Office:教學二館 504室





  1. Chin-Chia Liao1 Yi-Ching Pan, 潘怡君, (2021). Teachers' Perceptions of Grammar Teaching in EFL Classrooms in Southern Taiwan. Modern Taohuayuan Journal, 10, 147-161.
  2. 潘怡君, T.-H. Tsai, Y.-K. Huang, D. Liu (2018). Effects of Expanded Vocabulary Support on L2 Listening Comprehension. Language Teaching Research, 22(2), 189-207. (SSCI)
  3. 潘怡君 (2017). Teaching vocabulary to improve reading comprehension. Studies in Literature and Language, 15(4), 38-40.
  4. 潘怡君 (2015).Effects of reflective learning on the listening behaviors of EFL college students. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 13(2), 116-129.
  5. 潘怡君 (2014). Conversation Textbook Assessment: A Critique of Survival English. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 4(12), 1613-1620.
  6. 潘怡君 (2014). Adapting English Newspapers to Develop Language Proficiency in Low-Level EFL Learners. English Linguistics Research, 3(1), 66-71.
  7. 潘怡君 (2013). Applying Second Language Acquisition Research to English Language Teaching in Taiwan. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), 1(2), 1-12.
  8. 潘怡君 (2013). A Closer Examination of Communicative Language Teaching. Studies in Literature and Language, 6(2), 40-44.
  9. 潘怡君 (2012). Effects of Multi-Faceted Lexical Instruction on the TOEIC Listening Performance of Taiwanese EFL College Students. International Journal of English Linguistics, 2(6), 71-79.
  10. 潘怡君,潘怡靜 (2012). The Use of Translation in the EFL Classroom. The Philippine ESL Journal, 9, 4-23.
  11. 潘怡君,潘怡靜 (2011). Teaching Translation to Taiwanese EFL Students. Bulletin of National Pingtung Institute of Commerce, 13, 1-13.
  12. 潘怡君,潘怡靜 (2011). Conducting Speaking Tests for Learners of English as a Foreign Language. The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 6(2), 83-100.
  13. 潘怡君,潘怡靜 (2010). The Use of L1 in the Foreign Language Classroom. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 12(2), 87-96.
  14. 潘怡君 (2010). Use of Code Switching by Taiwanese Vocational College English Teachers: A Case Study. Studies in English Language and Literature, 26,119-144.
  15. 潘怡君,潘怡靜 (2010). Exploring Emily Dickinson's Poetry in the EFL Classroom. Bulletin of National Pingtung Institute of Commerce, 12, 1-21.
  16. 潘怡君 (2010). The Effect of Teacher Error Feedback on the Accuracy of EFL Student Writing. TEFLIN, 21(1), 57-77.
  17. 潘怡君,潘怡靜 (2009). Cross-Disciplinary Team Teaching for Vocational College Learners with Low English Proficiency. Bulletin of National Pingtung Institute of Commerce.
  18. 潘怡君,潘怡靜 (2009). The Effects of Pictures on the Reading Comprehension of Low-proficiency Taiwanese English Foreign Language College Students: An Action Research Study. VNU Journal of Science, Foreign Languages, 25(3), 186-198.


  1. 潘怡君 (主持人),工貿一體 + 跨境電商 : 整合與進化精進師生實務職能方案,教育部補助技專校院辦理產業學院計畫,計畫執行年度:2023-2024。
  2. 潘怡君 (主持人),品牌電商運營系統-策略與執行精進師生實務職能方案,教育部補助技專校院辦理產業學院計畫,計畫執行年度:2022-2023。
  3. 潘怡君 (主持人),跨境電商整合服務資訊系統精進師生實務職能方案,教育部補助技專校院辦理產業學院計畫,計畫執行年度:2021-2022。
  4. 潘怡君 (主持人),協助廠商培育國貿網路行銷英語人才,國立屏東大學培育產學合作教師計畫,計畫執行年度:2018。
  5. 潘怡君 (主持人),「大一英文教室的靜默與吵雜現象:台灣大專校院英語學習者的聲音」,科技部專題研究計畫,計畫執行年度:2015-2016。


  1. 潘怡君 (主持人),「越南企業實務實習」,教育部學海築夢新南向計畫,計畫執行年度:2023。
  2. 潘怡君 (主持人),「越南宏穎企業遠距實習」,經濟部補助國內公私立大學校院選送學生赴新興市場實習,計畫執行年度:2021。
  3. 潘怡君 (主持人),「越南菁英企業實習」,教育部學海築夢新南向計畫,計畫執行年度:2019。
  4. 潘怡君 (主持人),「VPIC1,全興及林遠-台商菁英企業實習」,教育部學海築夢新南向計畫,計畫執行年度:2018。
  5. 潘怡君 (主持人),「VPIC1臺商尖兵」,教育部學海築夢新南向計畫,計畫執行年度:2017。
  6. 潘怡君 (主持人),「擎柱俊才臺商尖兵」,教育部學海築夢計畫,計畫執行年度:2016。


  1. 張䕒予,英文網頁如何吸引買家:以「後設論述」分析國際B2B跨境電商平台產品網頁爲例,計畫執行年度:2022-2023。
  2. 高秋賢,台灣大專生至海外企業實習之語言需求分析:以越南為例,計畫執行年度:2021-2022。
